Key Figures

The fiscal year of the Group starts July 1 and ends June 30.

Explanation of terms:

EBITDA Equals operating profit before depreciation, amortization, and impairment losses.
Operating profit (EBIT) Equals profit before net from investments and finance activities, and income tax.
Earnings before taxes (EBT) Equals profit before income tax.
Profit margin of the period Profit of the period expressed as a percentage of total revenue.
Net financial debt Non-current, current liabilities to financial institutions and lease liabilities less cash and cash equivalent.
Capital employed Shareholders’ equity plus non-current and current liabilities to financial institutions.
Current ratio Current assets divided by current liabilities.
Debt to equity ratio Return on Equity (ROE), % Net profit for the period as a percentage of average Shareholders’ equity for the period.

Return on Equity (ROE), %

Net profit for the period as a percentage of average Shareholders’ equity for the period.
Return on capital employed (ROCE), % Operating profit (EBIT) for the period expressed as a percentage of capital employed for the period. The value of the denominator is calculated as the sum of equity, long-term and short-term loans as well as leasing liabilities not related to right of use assets.
Return on assets (ROA), % Net profit for the period expressed as a percentage of total assets for the period. Calculated at the end of the financial year.
Price earnings ratio (P/E) Closing Company’s share price at Nasdaq Vilnius stock exchange at the end of reporting period divide by rolling 12 months’ earnings per share.
Readily Marketable Inventories (RMI) Inventories to which full unencumbered legal and beneficial title belongs to a member of the Group and are readily convertible into cash within less than 90 calendar days on the basis that such inventories are: (a) the subject of contracts traded on futures markets and/or price risk is covered by other forward sale and/or hedging transaction; (b) liquid and widely available in a range of markets due to homogenous product characteristics and international pricing; (c) such inventories are not held for processing and/or conversion into a more value-added product; and (d) liquidation of such inventories would not have a material adverse effect on the particular business franchise.
RMI adjusted Net financial debt Net financial debt after deducting 90% of Readily Marketable Inventories of the relevant period.

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