Investments in technologies to reduce GHG emissions and improve animal welfare

Project Aim:
- Improve housing conditions for cattle;
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Total Project Value:
EUR 681,124
Total EU financing:
EUR 438,102
Project start date:
Project Completion Date:
Project Organizer:
Kėdainiai District Labūnavos ŽŪB

Key information about the project
- Agricultural company Kėdainiai District Labūnavos ŽŪB is implementing the project “Investments in technologies for GHG emission reduction and animal welfare improvement” under the intervention measure “Sustainable investments in agricultural holdings” of the Strategic Plan for Agriculture and Rural Development of Lithuania 2023-2027.
- The amount of support allocated to the project is EUR 438, 102.00, of which EUR 372,386.70 is from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
- The project is aimed at the acquisition of modern technological equipment to maximize the improvement of cattle housing conditions and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Improving the welfare of livestock
The project will provide for the acquisition of modern technological equipment to maximize the improvement of cattle housing conditions.
Equipment to be obtained:
- group housing equipment for the cattle barn (beds, water beds for the rest stalls, feedlot fencing, group waterers, gates and fences),
- automatic milking robots (2 units), cow massage brush, lighting system, scraper manure removal system, ventilation curtains).
The complete set of technological equipment will ensure the safety of untethered cattle and the best possible modern housing conditions.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the use of technologies that reduce GHG emissions includes:
- installation of a covered liquid manure storage tank (lagoon) with equipment;
- purchase of a manure separator.